Công ty triển lãm City of Leipzig
City of Leipzig

City of Leipzig

Gian hàng số: G15/2

Về chúng tôi

The City of Leipzig's Economic Development Office always plans and acts in the interest of current and future businesses in Leipzig. Corporate aims are as diverse as the services provided by our team, who act as guides, consultants, moderators, coordinators, door-openers and even crisis managers. We rely on the 6 S's of successful economic development: Support, Skilled workers, Space, Solutions, Subsidies and Suggestions.

Địa chỉ

City of Leipzig
Economic Development Office, Martin-Luther-Ring 4–6
04109 Leipzig

Điện thoại:  +49 341 1235885

E-mail: contact@dhhcmc.com
Điện thoại:  +84 (28) 3823 9775
internet: https://deutscheshausvietnam.com/

người liên hệ:

Dr Ronny Schulz
E-mail: ronny.schulz@leipzig.de
Điện thoại: +49 341 1235864

Sản phẩm và dịch vụ

As the cutting-edge life science cluster in Germany, Leipzig is the perfect place to do scientific research and start a company.

In Leipzig, innovative technologies for tomorrow's healthcare industry are not only researched, but also developed to market maturity and applied. In research institutions, clinics, companies and start-ups, the focus is on smart medical devices, e-health applications and high-performance diagnostics. In the field of development, production and logistics of cell therapeutics, Leipzig occupies a leading position worldwide. The large number of international health trade fairs and medical congresses underscores Leipzig's status as a health location.


Digital Health

Digital health solutions are becoming an integral part of medicine and are poised to change the way healthcare works forever. With its unique combination of medical and computer technology experts, Leipzig is becoming a beacon in this field. Its innovation-friendly environment gives new ideas the chance to grow and mature.

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